Yesterday’s Vogue Session discussed some issues I am looking into my research, it was interesting to listen to other people’s thoughts about the potential effects of this pandemic in the industry.
British stylist Edward Enninful talked to Marc Jacobs and Kenneth Ize about what changes might happen once this is all over. Would movie theatres disappear? Maybe not every collection needs a show and we need to think of different ways to present them. The world needed to slow its production down, make less but make it better.
Spanish Vogue director Eugenia de la Torriente talked to Stella McCartney and Gabriela Hearts about sustainability practises and how they include them in their brands. Stella McCartney’s definition of sustainable as the way to finding balance, use natural resources and being mindful about the process is probably what most brands need to apply to their work after this pandemic. For the first time we are all connected by one thing and we are able to measure the damage we’ve done.